Friday, October 13, 2006

The Incredible Journey Begins!

Hello All!

Welcome to my blog, the Ramblin Schambelan. I'll be using this site to keep an account of my life as I travel throughout Latin America. For those of you who don't know, I am a 25 year old college grad who, after two years as a bar manager in my hometown of Berkeley, CA, quit the service industry but am still not ready for a 'real' job. The alternative seemed pretty clear to me; a one-way ticket to unknown places for an unforeseen length of time. The pretense for my trip is to learn how to speak Spanish, but I think it's a much deeper quest for more than just an education in a foreign language. It's to learn about life, other than the one I'm used to, and, more importantly, to learn more about myself. Yeah I know, pretty corny, a path to understanding myself, but hey, I need to validate this crazy ambition somehow, OK? So BACK OFF!

Anywayz, I encourage you too check in from time to time for updates and stories as I won't be sending out any more "Garytales" via email (unless it's really good and I am convinced that you're not checking here.

The Incredible Journey Begins!

Easy Going...


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