Monday, April 23, 2007

Ramblins - Mexico

Ok, no real structure to this one, just random thoughts and snippets of stories as they come to me. It`s time I started living up to my blog name...

I went back to Isla Mujeres last week. I think I got a mild case of food poisoning from the club sandwiches at the hostel, but it was still soooo good. I'd do it again.

Almost killed myself the other day. Coming back from Cozumel, I checked myself into a hotel (not ready to get back to the real world after all) and, coming back from a late dinner, found I had left my key in my room. It was past 11pm and the office was closed. There was no guard on duty. So I decided to break in.

Easier said then done. With bars on the hallway windows, and a good lock that broke both my Miami library and expired international student cards, I was having a tough time. But then I remembered I had left the balcony door open. I took the stairs to the roof and found that if I climbed down the side of a drainpipe I could reach the balcony. Not my balcony, but the one next to mine. From there I could jump to mine. But don´t worry, I wasn`t crazy enough to free climb down the side of a four story building, oh no, I knew I just needed something to hold onto while I descended. I found a length of rope in a storage closet, tied it to a roof pillar, and lowered one end over the balcony and I tied the other end around my waist as a fool-proof safe-guard and lowered myself over the side.

Then I looked down... 100 feet to the hard concrete street below and I realized I was crazy and scrambled to pull myself back over the top of the roof before I lost my grip, slipped through my safety net and made a wet spot on the pavement below. I returned to the office, eventually found the owner, and he unlocked my door for me.

Why do people park in driveways and drive on parkways?

Leaving the beaches I decided to visit a more remote inland town, supposed to have more Mayan culture. The town was over run with french people. It`s funny 'cause the rest of the Yucatan has very little, if any 'french pressure.' I realized it was because the travel guide, ¨Lets Go,¨ adored by the French, lists this town as one of Mexico`s highlights, so they all go there. It's amazing how much people rely on guide books for traveling these days. Here we are pretending to be independent travelers and all we do is follow the same lists, written by the same people, in the same books. It's lazy and I hate it. But I stayed for a few days 'cause the Lonely Planet said I should.

Did you know that you can personally reduce your annual carbon dioxide emissions by 500 lbs. just by using warm water instead of hot water in the washer, therefore helping to curb global warming? (www.climatecrisis). Did ya?

I broke my toe playing volleyball the other day. How wimpy is that! I've already come up with a much better story though. It involves cliff diving, a bull shark, and a Ginzu knife. Maybe I'll write a blog about it.

Do you know which animal is responsible for the most human deaths worldwide? The mosquito.

I am tired of everyone complaining about how they don't know what they want to do in life. Who says we're supposed to know to begin with. Isn't it much more fun not knowing, waking up every day with endless possibilities? Imagine waking up knowing, knowing that you were going to have to go to the same boring job day after day for the next thirty years. It'd be like waking up in the 1950s. That is something worth complaining about, dealing with Eisenhower and flat top haircuts. But, at least they had social security when they retired, and they'd had the The Lone Ranger, everyone one loves The Lone Ranger.

But seriously, those days are over, and today the average American has three careers, that's right, three! And that doesn't include your post college past times like waiting tables or stripping. Nope, those are bone-a-fide jobs. So stop worrying about finding the perfect job that you can spend the rest of your life growing to hate, and start doing what everyone is supposed to do in life... enjoy it. Go traveling, tell her/him you love her/him, write a children's book, eat a bucket of Ben and Jerry's ¨Phish Food.¨ Otherwise, it will all be over before you know it, and all you'll have is carpal tunnel and I-O-U social security check.

Ok, that's enough ramblin for one afternoon. I'll be back to true form on the next blog, it's about a shark, cliff diving, and a Ginzu knife.


Unknown said...

i'm starting to realize that more and more my good friend. i'm just gonna do what i need to do to get what i think is right...and have fun in the process.

Unknown said...

Btw - I'd buy 'Everything But The...' over 'Phish Food' any day.

P.S. - I have a really ridiculous story for you. It will have to wait to you get back.